Anatomy of a smart contract

Hylé is a fully programmable blockchain. However, we only store the minimal amount of data required to validate smart contract proofs.
Hylé smart contracts are made of a name, a program identifier and a state commitment.

Program Identifier

Smart Contracts in Hylé are identified by a zero knowledge proof scheme and a matching identifier. This tuple is required to verify proofs.


Noir smart contracts are identified by they verifying key.

Risc Zero

Risc Zero smart contracts are identified by their image ID. Two identical programs will have identical image IDs.


Groth16 programs require a trusted ceremony. As such, their identifier is the verifying key corresponding to the matching private key, which will be unique for each program & ceremony.

State Commitment

The state commitment is intended to be the minimal amount of data required to attest to the full state of the smart contract.
Some example of such structures include: