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Run your local devnet

Follow the instructions below to start building on Hylé by running a local devnet. (Instructions for a testnet will be added when we launch it.)


Our examples work on Hylé v0.7.2: git checkout tags/v0.7.2.

Follow these instructions to run a node, keeping in mind that this is unstable and can break with upcoming updates.

Download the Docker image:

docker pull

Run the image:

docker run -v ./data:/hyle/data -p 4321:4321

If you run into an error, you may want to add the --privileged flag:

docker run --privileged -v ./data:/hyle/data -p 4321:4321

If you want to run with an indexer add the parameter -e HYLE_RUN_INDEXER=true, you will need a running PostgreSQL server. You can set it up with Docker:

Run the postgres server:

docker run -d --rm --name pg_hyle -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres

And the node linked to it:

docker run -v ./data:/hyle/data \
    -e HYLE_RUN_INDEXER=true \
    -e HYLE_DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@pg_hyle:5432/postgres \
    --link pg_hyle \
    -p 4321:4321 \

You can now create your first smart contract.


To restart your devnet from scratch, you should delete your ./data folder and start over; otherwise, you risk re-registering a contract that still exists.

Build the Docker image locally

If you want to, you can rebuild the image locally from source:

docker build -t Hyle-org/hyle . && docker run -dit Hyle-org/hyle

Alternative: Getting started from source

To start a single-node devnet (with consensus disabled), which is useful to build & debug smart contracts, run:

cargo build
HYLE_RUN_INDEXER=false cargo run --bin hyle

To run our examples, please git checkout tags/v0.7.2: this is the version they run on.


You can configure your setup using environment variables or by editing a configuration file.

Using environment variables

All variables can be customized on your single-node instance.

Variable Default value Description
HYLE_ID node Node identifier in the consensus. Usage subject to change in future releases.
HYLE_SINGLE_NODE true Whether the network runs as a single node or with a multi-node consensus.
HYLE_P2P_LISTEN true Mandatory (true) if multi-node consensus. The node should listen to new peers.
HYLE_HOST Host & port to listen for the P2P protocol.
HYLE_PEERS [] List of peers to connect to at startup to follow a running consensus.
HYLE_LOG_FORMAT full “full” or “json”
HYLE_REST Host & port for the REST API endpoint.
HYLE_DATA_DIRECTORY data_node Directory name to store node state.
HYLE_DATABASE_URL postgres://postgres:postgres @localhost:5432/postgres PostgreSQL server address (necessary if you want to use an indexer).
HYLE_CONSENSUS__SLOT_DURATION 1000 Duration between blocks.
HYLE_CONSENSUS__GENESIS_STAKERS {} Keys are all nodes “id”, and values are the stake amount for each one of them. Map of stakers for the genesis block.
HYLE_P2P__PING_INTERVAL 10 Interval the p2p layer does a ping to check aliveness of other peers.
HYLE_RUN_INDEXER true Whether there should be an indexer.
HYLE_DA_ADDRESS Host & port of the data availability module, which streams historical & new blocks. It might be used by indexers.

Using a configuration file

To use a configuration file, copy the default settings where you run the node. If a file named config.ron is present, it will be automatically loaded by the node at startup.

If you're using Docker:

docker run -v ./data:/hyle/data -v ./ -e HYLE_RUN_INDEXER=false -p 4321:4321 -p 1234:1234

Then, whether you're using Docker or building from source:

cp ./src/utils/conf_defaults.ron config.ron