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Smart contracts

Hylé is a fully programmable blockchain that optimizes data storage by keeping only the essential information needed to validate smart contract proofs. This design ensures that Hylé smart contracts are lightweight and efficient.

Where traditional blockchains keep all smart contract information onchain, Hylé splits offchain data (your contract's execution) and onchain data, which is retrieved through our ABI.

Onchain data about smart contracts

Hylé smart contracts' onchain data consists of:

  • Name: the unique identifier for your contract
  • Verifier: the proof system (e.g. "risc0" or "gnark-groth16-te-BN254")
  • Program ID: the unique identifier for your program in that proof system
  • State digest: current state commitment of the contract

Explanation of the contract fields


The name of your contract must be unique.

Verifier and program identifier

Smart contracts on Hylé rely on a pairing of a zero-knowledge proof scheme (verifier) and a program identifier. Together, these components validate contract proofs.

Proving scheme Verifier Program ID
Noir noir Verification key.
Risc Zero risc0 Image ID without a prefix. ex. 0x123 becomes 123.
SP1 sp1 Verification key.

State digest

The state digest is a minimal yet comprehensive representation of the contract's current state. It serves as the basis for verifying the integrity of the contract's data.

Some examples of valid state commitments:

  • The full state, for a sufficiently small program (e.g. a smart contract with a nonce)
  • A merkle root of the state, for larger programs
  • A hash of the full state

Smart contract ABI

All inputs in Hylé smart contracts must be known at proof generation time. This includes elements that would be known at execution time on other blockchains, such as the origin of the transaction (tx.origin) and the block number.

Here is the Rust structure specifying the output of a Hylé smart contract:

pub struct HyleOutput {
    pub version: u32,
    pub initial_state: StateDigest,
    pub next_state: StateDigest,
    pub identity: Identity,
    pub tx_hash: TxHash,
    pub index: BlobIndex,
    pub blobs: Vec<u8>,
    pub success: bool,
    pub program_outputs: Vec<u8>,

Explanation of the ABI fields


For now, version should always be set to 1.

Initial state and next state

Blockchains transactions are fundamentally state transitions. These fields handle state changes securely.

  • initial_state: Matches the onchain state_digest before the transaction. The initial_state must match the onchain state_digest. Otherwise, the state transition is invalid.
  • next_state: Represents the new onchain state_digest after the transaction.

Smart contracts can adapt the actual structure of this field. In the future, fees will depend in part on the size of the state_digest, so we encourage you to keep it small.


The identity field identifies the person who initiates a transaction.

Hylé does not have a native signature type. Instead, it uses the identity field of the first proof in the transaction to identify the sender. This allows you to use any kind of identity verification.

The identity is in two parts:

  1. An address;
  2. The name of the contract that the proof was generate for.

For example, if a smart contract was registered onchain to verify Ethereum EOAs, the identity for them would look like 0x1234...5678.eth_eoa where eth_eoa is the name of the contract and the first part matches a regular Ethereum address.

Note: All proofs in a transaction must declare the same identity as the first transaction or an empty identity.

TX Hash

The tx_hash field hashes transaction data, preventing replay attacks and providing a means for contracts to access this information.

The field is not validated by the protocol.

Blob index and blobs

Since a blob transaction can include several blobs, the design includes:

  • pub index: BlobIndex: uniquely identifies a specific blob within a transaction.
  • pub blobs: Vec<u8>: all blobs included in the transaction.


This boolean field indicates whether the proof is for a successful transaction or a failure. It can be useful to prove that a transaction is invalid.

Use case example: Vibe Check.

Other program-specific outputs

Smart contracts can provide additional outputs as part of the proof they generate.

These outputs mostly serve to provide data availability.


Hylé does not include events. The protocol replaces traditional event systems with blobs, which act as containers for offchain data.