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Hylé is the new-generation base layer for the era of unchained applications.

  • Introduction

    A quick overview of Hylé, the base layer for unchained apps.


  • Quickstart

    Get started with Hylé in just a few minutes with a step-by-step annotated quickstart.


  • Concepts

    Hylé-specific concepts and Hylé's spin on industry classics explained in detail.


  • Tooling

    Hylé tooling to improve your building experience.


Reach out on Telegram or open an issue if you need assistance or wish to provide feedback on the documentation: we're always looking to improve.

Let's talk!

Reach out to the team for more information:

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Hylé @hyle_org @hyle-org Hylé @Hylé @hyle_org